Friday, October 4, 2013

Blissful Bayesian....

That was a pleasant Friday evening. I was counting the papers that will go into my pile for the weekend. I needed some form of blissful optimism and a sheer motivation.

I started flipping through the pages of this ebook " The theory that would not die: Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy" by McGrayne.

So, tell me, what comes to your mind when I say 'Bayes' theorem'? Questions on red urns and white balls from the high school math book? But, when i started reading the book, I was surprised. I realized how powerful this tool is. I wondered why I never learnt Bayes' was all about updating our initial beliefs based on the new evidences. Well, this is what we do in every walk of our life. Face recognition, separation of spam emails in our inbox, weather forecast, and the million dollar question of climate change, everything revolves around this idea of updating our prior belief. Wow, that was amazing to realize! If you had watched the TV show 'fringes' most forensic discussions in this show involve Bayes' in some form or the other.

It inspired my thoughts and made my evening. I was aspired and I said 'Come on , break the leg' and carried the pile. As I walked , I resolved I would atleast take them out of my bag this weekend.

Stay online. Back as a blogger to share new experiences as a Ph.D. student. Let's see how these stories strengthens my prior belief on 'life as a scientist'.

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