Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Poetry at 30,000 feet

Where the mind doesn't meet the heart 

Into the night as I go,

To the glory of the heart 

And the song of the lights

I surrender the pain. 

Wandering through the air,

Feeling the vacuum inside,

I have come so far from home

Yet, so close to the light. 

Dazzling charm and shimmer

Don't offer solace

For peace is not in words

Yet, silence is unsettling!

To the birds and the foe,

I treat you just the same.

Deeper the wounds, farther the home. 

For I have come so far from home. 

In the beauty of the mind lies the end of the darkness

Yet the mind doesn't feel the pain. 

Fear the wisdom, says the heart!

Will I ever be enough, says the mind!

Both play a game with either of them losing to one another. 

Piercing the dark deep musings, 

The mind brings out its beauty. 

And the heart, surrenders quietly.

Into the nights as I go. 

~ Aish


I was bullied and harassed on Facebook.

Online harassment and gas lighting are fearful experiences that many of us struggle to speak in public. I recently got verbally abused, thre...