I vividly remember entering the ‘CEG campus’ way back in 2006, when I was in my 11th standard. I now feel proud to be an alumnus of the same College. My freshman years in college gave me lasting experiences. My First SQC meet was unforgettable! Believe me, this was the place I realised It was high time that I had an active ‘Email id’! Archana, Aarthi, Abhi – friends who made my initial months at CEG and from whom I learnt a lot. Neeraja (my senior) – My Engineering graphics tutor , but for her, my internal tests would have degenerated into a farce. Red Cross camp at a village near Kanchipuram was a giant pooper-scooper that scooped waves of self-confidence from me.

Sensor Design, Microprocessors, RS, and GIS– Everything paraded my mind....Despite listening to plenty of talks – the Million dollar question lingered – What’s GI? To me, it was a deep magnetization effect – Satellites and Remote Sensing, Yup that was my fantasy world! The Pandora box was finally opened when we arrived at 2nd semester and started probing the subjects of Geo-informatics. Then, GI appeared much mottled with farraginous topics than I had expected. Although the sign on the door was then unveiled, we had to really puzzle over the pieces to comprehend the close connection between different subjects.
Speaking of second year brings the most intriguing bird in its flock – Work on ‘Pollution’. My research got gravitated towards Pollution, Climate Change and Global warming. Conferences/Symposiums kept me occupied! I was then able to patch up the titbits of GI.
For every student there would be a Prof of his/her choice and so it was for me. I loved attending Remote Sensing and DIP classes by Vidhya Mam (Asst.Prof at IRS). Lost the opportunity of presenting her a nice greeting card on the last day...Yet, holding it to gift her next week... :)
My Internships –Experiences which gave much Momentum for my undergraduate life! They gave me opportunities to amplify my abstract ideas, think farther yet deeper into my research. My days at RRSC – B’lore, IISC, SAC, and PRL really made a striking difference!
Pre-final year and Final year – Halcyon days in College Life. Every day boasted a special significance. September 22nd 2010– an exceptional day for everyone in 2007 batch – The most precious terrace was opened and the Theodolites decorated IRS’ terrace on a darkening evening even after 8pm in the night! Oh friends! Neither that was an extra class of survey nor we had changed our usual location of survey (playground)...It was a moment when Earthlings enjoyed a rare honor of sighting JUPITER! ‘Jo’ (HW I call Jupiter) was just 3.51 AU away from our home planet. I would humbly direct my readers to my friend’s blog to know more on JOMAP (Jovian Measurement and Positioning) - http://archana4890.blogspot.com/. Thanks to my friend for the great piece of writing!My project helped me to live my passionate days for a planet which is a smorgasbord of volcanoes - Yes, My FYP was on Surface-Atmospheric interaction in Planet Venus!
Times of Geohorizon, Techofes, Kurukshetra 2010 and 2011 radiated much knowledge on team management and leadership. Looking back, they were heady stuffs! We had to make ambitious plans on a broad suite of issues within the stipulated amount of time. Hats off to everyone who made it to reality! Chill-outs with friends, Survey camp, IVs shared the inimitable moments of my life.
These Elysian days ended when I finally surrendered my Identity card. I signed the alumni form and marched my way down the ‘Red Building’. A mild smile occupied my face and I paused to mull it over. I wondered at the long way I have travelled from 13th Aug 2007 to May 12th 2011- From the day, when I ignorantly asked one of my friends, “Face book! Yeah, I have heard. Can you describe me how to use it?” To the day when I narrate the same experience in my blog space. Bye Bye CEG - With deep gratitude to this place and humble bow to many inspirational personas.