Friday, October 30, 2009
Bhava and rasa
Silly me.. I had been giving my facial expression even without knowing the difference between them...
Cool, so bhava is the mood created by a dancer in the minds of the audience..through her facial expression..
Rasa is the one which the dancer experiences to bring bhava in her audience..
So perhaps it must be rightly called as "NAVA BHAVAS ' and not "NAVA RASAS" as my guru quotes it often...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
1. Anamalous profile of rainfall in the recent years in the tropical countries.
2. Agitation in the underground water levels and thus leading to alleviation of groud water.
3. Aggrandization of urbanisation.
· Excessive use of fertilisers in the fields.
Accretion in fertilisers pollute the ground water.
As ground water moves very slowly and takes a very long time to replenish, any meagre pollution at this strata will have a serious detrimental effect on underground water quality.
No solid model for the usage of amount of water for crops.
Need for plans to promote ground water replenishment.
Awareness must be created amongst farmers regarding the irrigation processes as a part of adaptation issues.
Protection of soil moisture and vegetal cover by adopting proper irrigation techniques.
Recognition of Drip irrigation models as in Gujarat.
Flood irrigation measures to bolster the cultivation in seasons of erratic rainfall.
Expurgate unneccessary centralised systems.
Butressing decentralised systems to ensure proper co-ordination in different seasons of the year.
Decentralised systems which allay the need of pipelines which are currently used for water transport.
Increase of CO2 emission in the atmosphere due to increased urbanisation.
Fathom Solar energy retrieval methods.
The cost is pretty high in case of solar enegy reconstruction but still it’s a benediction to most of the areas which use non-renewable resouces.
Bio-fuel energy conservation.
Conservation of wetlands (both salt water and fresh water)
These wetlands can trap sediment removal and thus prevent coastal erosion.
Focus on interlinking of rivers for agriculture.
Recycling of micro organisms to provide renewable enegy .
Ecologists are our principle bulwark in sorting this issue.
Their views and opinions have to be given due respect.
Students and reseach scholars in premier institutions like IIT’s and IISC must gather to discuss about the solutions for these issues.
Government must increase the frequency of public transport thus reducing the traffic congestion in the metropolitan cities.
Credible plans to reduce pollution in the city and materilise the novel ideas which can harness solar power .
Solar power can be used where ever possible in place of non-renewable resources.
Coagulation of various technologies to delve in to climate change.
Derelict wastelands should be promoted and put to use.
Preparation of well documented dossiers for management of industrial effluents.
Dynamic plans on recycling techniques.
The programme threw a tangential question that if China was able to implement most of the measures in this domain, India is second to none, so India could make better results to abate climate change. My verdict is as follows: “ India being a tropical country faces multiple challenges in rainfall , so best irrigation measures and agricultural practices must be focussed on. Secondly, we must think on feasible innovations in electrical energy generation from ocean by using Remote sensing strategies,ecosounders and Microwave data. Further solar energy reconstruction must also be given due importance.Thus refinement of these ideas can certainly limit climate change if not avert it totally.
Friends there was a shocking remark in this discussion which left an imprint in my mind. Scientists and technocrats around the world say that the global temperature will increase by 2 degree in the next 10 years. But, then, long back, I read an article in Hindu about the impact of global warming on Agriculture by Prof. Swaminathan. He had mentioned that even 1.5 degrees rise in global temperature may lead to many regional agricultural problems especially in tropical countries like India.
Any natural disaster cannot be averted completely. Nevertheless, we can still limit them to some extent. The longer we wait, the harder the problem will be to solve. So friends, let's start focussing on this issue seriously, for we have to leave this world this sustainable for generations to come. Let's not exhorte them to face a planet which is devoid of many beautiful resources which we enjoyed. Let's help them to relish t
he same pulchritude of our Mother Earth.
Its now "WE" who have to decide over the question of leaving our planet in either of these two conditions for our future generations....???? !!!!.
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