Tuesday, December 22, 2009
2012: Human-nature battle
Hey buddies, i don't wish to comment more as i feel that its a must watch movie.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Two drops down my cheeks …for those days which I can never get back... but only replay…
It was last winter. I had completed my third Semester exams. I was much relieved. I wanted to see my school and my dear teachers. My school has two buildings. First, I entered the building where I had spent hours listening to my teachers till my 9th standard... I was looking out for my favorite English madam. Her name is Mrs. Kamala Kishore. A Dynamic teacher who can attract her students just by her words. Yes, for next few seconds, I had lost myself in those ecstatic moments which I had with my favorite teacher and my eyes started searching her. If not for her imposition, I don’t know if I would be writing the spelling of words like “opportunity”, “business” correctly, even today…
Ya there she is... My eyes spotted her. But this time my eyes deceived me. It was not her. Just then I spotted my Tamil teacher. I went inside her class. She could identify me very well. She remembered my name even after so many years and called me “Vaa Aishwarya eppadi irukka?” My happiness went out of bounds. Ya really those were some halcyon moments. Typically not though always, I used to sit in second bench in that class where I could see my juniors; many identified me; called me “akka ippa neenga Endha College?”
I moved my steps outside the class taking a sweet leave from my Tamil madam. Many new faces. One teacher even thought that I had come to pick up someone. Many of my teachers had resigned. Then, I walked to the main building (as we call it).
That was the path through which I had carried bundles of books for my teachers. All teachers used to like me so much, not only for my academic records, but also for my ‘chubby cheeks’. Even now I remember some teachers call me during lunch hour and pinch my cheeks.
By then it was allmost 3.30. Time for the final bell and evening prayer!!! The choir girls rushed inside for the prayer. That brought a flash of one more nostalgic moment, when I was also a part of school choir group singing the Christmas carols …
I kept my first step. I recalled my heydays and sorrowful fights with my friends in front of the main building. There shouted a voice… “Who r u? You can’t enter now…” That was the watchman for whom I had given company so many days while waiting for my mom. I said,” uncle don’t u remember me?”. That was sad… He couldn’t …
That was the moment when two drops of tears ran down my cheeks. Really, I was disheartened to the core. The path which I had trodden in past several times without any permission now requires permission and specific timings...
I left my nostalgic building with a heavy heart and tears stagnant in my eyes….
Friday, October 30, 2009
Bhava and rasa
Silly me.. I had been giving my facial expression even without knowing the difference between them...
Cool, so bhava is the mood created by a dancer in the minds of the audience..through her facial expression..
Rasa is the one which the dancer experiences to bring bhava in her audience..
So perhaps it must be rightly called as "NAVA BHAVAS ' and not "NAVA RASAS" as my guru quotes it often...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
1. Anamalous profile of rainfall in the recent years in the tropical countries.
2. Agitation in the underground water levels and thus leading to alleviation of groud water.
3. Aggrandization of urbanisation.
· Excessive use of fertilisers in the fields.
Accretion in fertilisers pollute the ground water.
As ground water moves very slowly and takes a very long time to replenish, any meagre pollution at this strata will have a serious detrimental effect on underground water quality.
No solid model for the usage of amount of water for crops.
Need for plans to promote ground water replenishment.
Awareness must be created amongst farmers regarding the irrigation processes as a part of adaptation issues.
Protection of soil moisture and vegetal cover by adopting proper irrigation techniques.
Recognition of Drip irrigation models as in Gujarat.
Flood irrigation measures to bolster the cultivation in seasons of erratic rainfall.
Expurgate unneccessary centralised systems.
Butressing decentralised systems to ensure proper co-ordination in different seasons of the year.
Decentralised systems which allay the need of pipelines which are currently used for water transport.
Increase of CO2 emission in the atmosphere due to increased urbanisation.
Fathom Solar energy retrieval methods.
The cost is pretty high in case of solar enegy reconstruction but still it’s a benediction to most of the areas which use non-renewable resouces.
Bio-fuel energy conservation.
Conservation of wetlands (both salt water and fresh water)
These wetlands can trap sediment removal and thus prevent coastal erosion.
Focus on interlinking of rivers for agriculture.
Recycling of micro organisms to provide renewable enegy .
Ecologists are our principle bulwark in sorting this issue.
Their views and opinions have to be given due respect.
Students and reseach scholars in premier institutions like IIT’s and IISC must gather to discuss about the solutions for these issues.
Government must increase the frequency of public transport thus reducing the traffic congestion in the metropolitan cities.
Credible plans to reduce pollution in the city and materilise the novel ideas which can harness solar power .
Solar power can be used where ever possible in place of non-renewable resources.
Coagulation of various technologies to delve in to climate change.
Derelict wastelands should be promoted and put to use.
Preparation of well documented dossiers for management of industrial effluents.
Dynamic plans on recycling techniques.
The programme threw a tangential question that if China was able to implement most of the measures in this domain, India is second to none, so India could make better results to abate climate change. My verdict is as follows: “ India being a tropical country faces multiple challenges in rainfall , so best irrigation measures and agricultural practices must be focussed on. Secondly, we must think on feasible innovations in electrical energy generation from ocean by using Remote sensing strategies,ecosounders and Microwave data. Further solar energy reconstruction must also be given due importance.Thus refinement of these ideas can certainly limit climate change if not avert it totally.
Friends there was a shocking remark in this discussion which left an imprint in my mind. Scientists and technocrats around the world say that the global temperature will increase by 2 degree in the next 10 years. But, then, long back, I read an article in Hindu about the impact of global warming on Agriculture by Prof. Swaminathan. He had mentioned that even 1.5 degrees rise in global temperature may lead to many regional agricultural problems especially in tropical countries like India.
Any natural disaster cannot be averted completely. Nevertheless, we can still limit them to some extent. The longer we wait, the harder the problem will be to solve. So friends, let's start focussing on this issue seriously, for we have to leave this world this sustainable for generations to come. Let's not exhorte them to face a planet which is devoid of many beautiful resources which we enjoyed. Let's help them to relish t
he same pulchritude of our Mother Earth.
Its now "WE" who have to decide over the question of leaving our planet in either of these two conditions for our future generations....???? !!!!.
Monday, September 21, 2009

First, it will raise sea levels. There are 5,773,000 cubic miles of water in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet. Luckily, that’s not going to happen all in one go! But sea levels will rise.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Surface air temperature changes from 1890 to 2000, from aerosol direct (top), indirect (middle) and BC-albedo (bottom) effects. Global and [Arctic] mean changes are indicated above each panel.
Pollution aerosols also cool climate by altering cloud properties, known as the "indirect" effect. Cloud droplets form around suspended aerosols. Pollution has increased the number of particles, which makes the cloud droplets smaller and more numerous. These polluted clouds last longer and are brighter. Overall, clouds cool Earth's climate by blocking the surface from incoming sunlight. So the increased cloudiness from pollution has cooled climate over the past century.
A third effect occurs when black carbon (BC) particles land on snow, and the tiny specks of dark material in the upper snow layers absorb heat from the sun and promote melting. This is called the "BC-snow-albedo" effect. Loss of snow or ice makes Earth's surface much darker, so that even more warming and melting occur. Thus the BC-snow albedo effect contributes to warming.
We recently conducted global climate model experiments to distinguish the ways these three aerosol effects have changed climate during the 20th century. The model was run for 1890 conditions and again for year 2000 conditions, and the resulting climates were compared. A first set of experiments made changes in aerosols only. In a second set we also changed greenhouse gases such as CO2 to determine whether the aerosol effects change if greenhouse gases simultaneously warm the climate.
In our study, the biggest aerosol effect on climate came from the effect of aerosol-cloud indirect effect. Over the century, it cooled the surface air temperatures -1°C, with more cooling in the northern hemisphere than in the south. Snow and ice cover increased 1% globally and 4% in the Arctic. Global cloud cover also increased by 0.5%.
The aerosol direct effect cooled the climate over the century by -0.2°C, also more in the north than the southern hemisphere. It also caused a small increase in cloud and snow/ice cover.
Warming from the BC-albedo effect was similar in magnitude to the cooling from the direct effect. The effect was largest in the Arctic, where snow/ice cover declined by 1%.
We found correlations among the aerosol impacts within regions, so that cooler (warmer) temperatures typically correlated with increased (decreased) snow/ice cover and increased (decreased) cloud cover.
If greenhouse gases increased together with aerosols over the century, the potency of the aerosol effects was reduced. One exception was the cloud changes from the indirect effect, which increased 0.5% with or without the greenhouse gas changes. Nevertheless the greenhouse gas warming reduced the indirect effect on surface air temperatures cooling by 20% and on snow/ice cover increase by 50%. Furthermore the greenhouse gas warming generally overwhelmed the changes from the BC-albedo effects.
Since the aerosol impacts were particularly great in the Arctic, we studied the seasonality of the changes there. Aerosols altered the surface air temperature changes most in winter, even though effects on snow/ice and cloud cover were greatest during summer. One explanation for the seasonal offset is that the large summertime snow/ice change alters ground temperatures, and these ground temperature changes are felt more at ground-level during winter when the surface atmospheric layer is most stable.

- The co2 is released by the vehicles.
- Nowadays there is an accretion in the motor vehicles.
- By and large the release of co2 has also aggrandized.
This is one part of the story. Lets now look into the global perspective.
- The trees are in dire need of co2 for their growth.
- S o when the co2 in the atmosphere increases, the plant growth gets higher and higher.
- As the vegetal cover grows , the temperature in that area allievates.
As a compendium of the discussions , I felt that the higher co2 levels today can only cool the atmosphere and can no way be a gateway to what is called as "global warming"- The one which even the muffled voices in the labs trying to clobber at.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Early in the saturday morning , my friend's call reminded me of the function(salangai pooja)we had in our bharatham class. Albeit i was happy in spending time with my cute mam and our sir i was a little annoyed by the sea big assignments i had in my college for the following week.Still i actuated myself with the zeal to enjoy the function.As i was deeply engrossed in myblissful memories , i remembered the mammoth task of wearing the saree. I was really tweaking myself to get adjusted to it. The clock struck 3'o clock .I was quite presumptuous about my digi cam .I even had wild and wide plans to image every corner of our class just for me to realise that i had no charge in my 8 mega pixel monster. Ghosh!!!all my plans were in vain.Yet i had few other silly ideas to get one from my friends.I took my mobile, finished my usual prayers before leaving my house and with an air of confidence and complacence i started driving towards my bharatham class.
The weather was was really hypnotizing. Poised saturday evening,balmy breeze,relaxed mind,Darkening clouds.Ho!! my thoughts started wandering so long that i had to really focus myself to drive my vehicle.I was deep into so many nostalgic dreams.whosh!!! very tough to bring me back every time.My class would be roughly 400m from my house.Albeit, i had a battle with my attire, the ambient weather was an antidote.
I reached my destination.As usual, i was the last one to reach. My friends were already there.Air was perfumed with the fragrance of incense sticks.The acoustics of the hall was laudable. I accede that i was quite bemused by the close resemblance of the priest of the function to my teacher's son. I was truly agitated when he spoke to me in telugu when i was busy engrossed in a deep talk with my friend.In the midst of all this, i somehow managed to take a few clippings in my friend's mobile.
The pleasant music played was highly animated.Arrays of small children, all in gorgeous dresses followed by their parents, their catwalk aggrandized the acceleration of the function.And silly me,again lost in my childhood memories.My first day in my bharatham class, my first guru, Me holding my mother's hand and standing in the line during my salangai pooja.Just then the very call from my madam woke me up.
The priest was chanting all those baffling ,ambiguous mantras, everyone was busy and i was amicably moving around just to see myself in the mirror in my saree amidst the august gathering. The pooja was coming to an end.M e and my friend Bhuva were getting ourselves ready for singing .I was presumptuous as i had already prepared my notes for the song. My teacher's son played the mridangam. He is a profound mridangist. Anyway we managed it.
Finally everything was over.The crowd was receding after greeting my teacher for her arduous efforts.Then it was the most awaited moment for me. M e and my mam gave a sigh of relief.We all garnered to eat the most coveted pulidarai (our sir's speciality). We all dispersed after exchanging warm greetings. It was a visual treat to everyone of us. My heartfelt wishes for mam and sir -quintessence of hardwork without whom it would not have been possible.
I was exhausted and retired to bed soon after reaching home.Nice and sweet memories which will linger in my mind forever.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009
I am now back with my idea to track your missing mobile phones. I am sure that this strategy can allay our concerns for missing mobiles.
Its far ahead of the tracking softwares which we have now in our cell phones.I can say its the customized version of the tracking softwares which we have now.The softwares we have now just gives a warning mesage whenever the sim card is changed.The new number of the sim is being sent to the cell phone number we have mentioned in case of loss of our mobile. This can even cause unneccessary problems as the number can be changed by the owner himself for reasons known to himself . So how to counteract these problems?
A gps receiver attached to the mobile set and not the sim itself can allievate this problem which is raised by the muffled voices from all over the world. As the gps is being attached to the set ,even if the sim is removed the warning is sent. Moreover the gps attached should be configured such that the GPS coordinates of the mobile's current location is also sent . But its really fatuous to a common man who cannot understand the conventions of lat long values being sent . So we have to fuse tthis with a visual display in the guadian's mobile which houses a GIS .Though the range plays a vital role,it can initially be carried out in small scale.B y and large certainly we can extend it to massive scale as the database becomes quite friendly.This gis can show us the location of the mobile on th surface of the earth, the near by police stations,important landmarks near by,shortest distance from the place of the guardian to the location of the mobile.Though this is quite imaginary I would be happy if u post your ideas to bring it in shape.
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Take a sheet of paper in your hand.keep your other hand at some distance ,with your palm facing the paper. Do u thnk your hand has got attracted to the paper.If you say no, its wrong.Though you could see your hand at the same distance, there is a tiny gravitational force acting between the body and the paper.But, here the distance moved is very less, that it is not visible to our naked eyes.
Now crush the paper .you could find that space occupied by the paper has reduced.its mass is same. neverthless, there is a gravitational force.but it is larger than before.now that the paper has shrunk in size and has so many cavities,faults etc .This has provided the path for any body in affinity to move even more closer. (ie.into the core of the paper)
This is the same concept happening even in black hole.The star is bigger in size.There is less room for any body to move in when it shrunks in size(with same mass)any object can intrude into its core.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Through this page , I would like to take my enlightened readers to an oldest archaeological site located near mamallapuram The history of this site dates back to 3b.c.
Ever since my childhood , i have the habit of gazing at the sky and pondering about the mystery of universe. But, then that i realised,"we have infinite treasures underneath".
After waving hands to our friends in the college campus ,we began our errand to 'SIRUTHAVUR'. Initially it was all silence.But then ,the bus started resonating with the songs ,cheering voices etc.As we crossed the IT corrider of OMR, we were able to see so many premier outstanding companies like orchid chemicals,accensor,vistas etc.
Around 12 noon, to everyone's surprise, suddenly,we could see the darkening of clouds.Much as we expected,we could see it drizzling outside. The bus halted at TIRUPORUR.It was a rugged terrain.We were fortunate enough to be accompanied by our geology madam and an archaeologist.We went on to visit the age old burial grounds which spoke in volumes about the life after death. It was their tradition to bury the body of a dead person along with urns containing maize,rice etc.Many precious rings,iron materials were found by excavation from these sites, which are now being preserved by ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA.We could notice that all these burial spots were oriented towards a water body.As we were marching to our bus, we accidentally saw a green snake which caught everyone's attention.
Our second place of visit was Siruthavur.At present ,so many studies are being carried out on civilization of people in the past.These places are glaring examples for the architecture of people in 3B.C.These places are now being mapped for further interpretation and research. After the lunch , it was a mind-boggling experience.We were enthralled by the beauty of the temple built 1500 years back.(excavated in 2004).This was actually indundated by the tsunami which took place in the past.The results of interpretation are as follows:
- The place had a structure much resembling the peedam of a temple.
- There was a stick similar to the vel in lord muruga's hand.
- It had so many so many structures appearing identical to wells.
- The place was approximately 30mtrs from the sea.
- The slope of the place was 2 degree.
The inundated temple was roughly 30m from the sea.From the generic principles of wave theory, the tsunami waves follow a sinosoidal pattern with very large time period due to WAVE SHOALING.The amplitude of the wave is also very high.
So, by the simple relation between velocity and depth
g=acceleration ude to gravity,
d=depth of the sea(in this case it is around 100m) so C=31.308m/s
By the theory of projectile motion,we could find the maximum height reached .
(This is just a rough estimate as i have not taken into account the effects of air friction and earth's rotation in projectile motion)neverthless, once i get the correct relation and formula for thes two parameters , i will update it.
These facts drive home the fact that unless there had been a major disaster like tsunami/flood ,it would have been impossible for the water level in the sea to rise so high to inundate the whole region which was (approx) 30 meters(horizontal distance) from it.It was an interesting fact that the temple was located above a huge hill.This supplements our prediction about the disaster.
Back to the campus:
Our trip came to a jolting halt. Though the trip was only for one day, these memories will linger in my mind forever.
Interpolations like finding out the climate change in that area ,water table depth etc.Have u ever thought of this???

Lets continue our innovations!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009
I was bullied and harassed on Facebook.
Online harassment and gas lighting are fearful experiences that many of us struggle to speak in public. I recently got verbally abused, thre...
That was a tense Indian summer which intense heat waves smashing the country. What makes it “record breaking”? Delhi roads melting due ...
Polar ice caps melting The ice caps melting is a four-pronged danger. First , it will raise sea levels. There are 5,773,000 cubic miles of w...